As we get older, it can be harder to concentrate, focus and remember things. These changes are normal with ageing and our bodies find it increasingly difficult to fight against fatigue.
It can be a real drag when you're not feeling your best. You're tired all the time, sluggish, and just not yourself. When that happens, it's more difficult to get anything done, even the activities you enjoy most.
Trying to push through exhaustion won't help either. Fatigue is caused by a lack of energy—the result of your body using up its stores of glucose—and trying to work through it will only cause the symptoms to worsen. It's important to give your body what it needs to perform at its best and that means getting enough nutrients into your diet.
When you're looking for ways to feel energised throughout the day, here are 4 habits to incorporate for a better energy and clarity.
1) Drink Plenty of Water
Staying hydrated keeps your brain focused and clear, helps your body function at its best, and also helps with digestion when you're feeling bloated and sluggish. Not drinking enough water can lead to headaches and fatigue, so staying well-hydrated is essential for good health and optimal performance.
Not only does water help to regulate your body temperature, it's also an important part of many bodily functions. It keeps joints lubricated, for example, and helps your muscles relax after exercise. It also helps to keep your skin healthy by flushing out toxins. And when you drink plenty of water, you'll find that it's easier to get a good night's sleep, which in turn will leave you feeling fresh and energised the next day.
Tip: Carry a bottle of water with you when you are heading out, you will have no excuse not to fulfil the recommended intake of consuming 8 glasses of water a day.
2) Eat More Protein
Protein provides amino acids that are essential for brain function as well as improving energy levels and focus. Protein doesn't have to be boring or complicated; try adding some easy-to-eat foods such as fish, chicken or dairy products into your meals.
Tip: Eggs, for example are an easy and convenient way to add protein into your diet.
Jumpstart your metabolism with a healthy breakfast of scrambled egg omelette, spinach and tomatoes.
3) Get Enough Sleep
One of the causes of fatigue is insomnia, in which you may sleep fine but wake up feeling tired and exhausted. You might only rest well for a few hours at a time, or you might wake up but be unable to fall back asleep easily.
Some people have difficulty falling asleep while others have trouble staying asleep. Insomnia is often more than just a symptom of another health issue; it's also a health issue itself.
Tip: Set a routine that includes going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. This helps your body get into a natural rhythm. If you must stay up late for work, try going to bed earlier on weekends so your body can adjust. Every night at bedtime, spray a few pumps of bSoul Aqua-Comfort Lavender on your pillow and bed to induce lulling effects. Start inhaling in the scent and count to 3, before exhaling out on your next count.
For wellbeing, dispense a few drops of QiActiv Pelvic Care essential oil into a diffuser and inhale the relaxing scent, which contains notes of Roman Chamomile to calm you down. A body cream that helps insomnia is the Ageless Herbal Cream, effective in improving sleep quality.
4) Exercise
Exercise is one of the best ways to tackle fatigue because it releases endorphins which naturally boost your mood and give you more energy for the day ahead.
Physical activity acts like a natural energiser to help wake up the body's systems and improve circulation throughout the body. Not only does exercise improve your mood but it can also help relieve stress and anxiety – two factors that are often linked to fatigue and tiredness, it also releases endorphins that induces positive feelings in your body, allowing you to feel good throughout the day.
Tip: Exercising with others can be a great bonding activity too. Try signing up for workout classes near your workplace or home. Indoor cycling or Pilates are good social activities to introduce cardio and toning/sculpting to your routine. Share this article with your spouse or friends to get them motivated!
It is normal to experience soreness and aches once you start on an exercise regime, and to aid in relaxing muscle tension, try applying TCM Muscle Rub to your target areas. Made for tight muscles, this deep heat muscle rub can help relieve muscle pains, sprains and bruises.
Final note:
Depending on the severity and the cause of fatigue, this could be a challenge that requires some perseverance. It can take time to recover from constant tiredness, while milder forms of fatigue may require only a few subtle lifestyle changes. The good news is that there are many things you can do daily to naturally boost your energy levels and reduce your tiredness. If you follow the tips above, you will start discovering small changes that could lead to a better overall wellbeing.