Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis are two of the most common reproductive conditions that women may have. You would have heard about these conditions, and surprisingly, they often go undiagnosed. It is easy to not be able to tell the two of them apart since they both have similar symptoms. Here are the differences you need to know about.
What is it?
PCOS happens because of hormonal imbalance, specifically, reproductive hormones. It happens when a woman’s body produces more male hormones than usual. This causes the egg not to be released during ovulation, or develop in a way that it should not. PCOS is a very common condition, 5 – 10 percent of women of childbearing age have this condition but many of them are not diagnosed.
What are the symptoms?
Irregular Periods
This can mean you have your period once every two to three months, or even once or twice a year. Because of the irregularity of your period, the flow can be heavy.
Trouble Getting Pregnant
Since you are not ovulating regularly, it makes it harder for you to conceive.
Excess Hair Growth in Unexpected Places
Due to the excess of male hormones, you may find hair growing on places on your chest, abdomen, upper thighs, chin and sometimes, the side of your face. You may even find yourself experiencing male pattern baldness.
You may suffer from mild or severe acne, and they don’t respond well when you try treating them with typical anti-acne skincare.
Unexplained Weight Gain
One of the most common symptoms is unexplained. Obesity and unexplained weight gain is seen in 30 to 50 percent of women who suffer from PCOS. This symptom is often overlooked as you may blame the weight gain on your eating habits or lack of exercise. If you experience unexplained weight gain with a few of the above-mentioned symptoms, it may be worth visiting your doctor for a routine health check.
What is it?
Endometriosis happens when the tissue that normally lines the uterus grows uncontrolled and abnormally outside of the uterus where it does not belong.
While experts are not sure what causes endometriosis, although it is highly likely to be caused by changes in estrogen, the female hormone. It is also worth noting that many women suffering from endometriosis may not have symptoms.
What are the symptoms?
Heavy and Painful Periods
Cramps during your period can be very intensely painful and disruptive to your daily life. This is due to the bleeding of the abnormal tissue, and the inflammation in the areas surrounding the abnormal tissues.
Pain During Sex or When You Poop or Pee
Pain the pelvic area often occur even when you are doing one of the above activities. Even when you are not, pain the pelvic area can act up, and this is also a sign you are suffering from endometriosis.
Is It Possible to Have Both PCOS and Endometriosis?
It is very uncommon but not impossible to suffer from both reproductive health issues at the same time. When you are suffering from any or a mixture of the above symptoms, visit your doctor for a check-up. The list of symptoms act as a guide for you to hear your body out, but they are not a substitute for a health diagnosis. To only way to know for sure, if you have PCOS, Endometriosis or both, is to go for an ultrasound of laparoscopy.
What Can You Do?
For both conditions, most doctors will prescribe you with hormonal pills. While surgery is an option for endometriosis, there is currently no cure for both PCOS and endometriosis. Instead, there are various natural ways to manage symptoms and pain.
Anti-inflammatory Support
Add more food that reduces long term inflammation to your diet to ease the pain. Food such as olive oil, tomatoes, and leafy vegetables are good and easy to get options. Chronic inflammation can also be reduced with plants such as frankincense and lavender, both herbs are found in Meditrina QiActiv® Pelvic Care Essential Oil. Applying the essential oil on your lower abdomen daily can help ease your symptoms.
Natural Hormonal Support
Evening primrose oil has been commonly used to reduce period pain and regulate period. There is evidence that evening primrose oil may improve cholesterol levels and oxidative stress, both of which can cause PCOS. Another natural option is Meditrina Ageless Herbal Cream, a go-to choice for improving menstrual cycle and regulating period flow. Some women have found Ageless Herbal Cream to be useful in relieving them of their endometriosis pain.
Calcium and Vitamin
Vitamin D plays a crucial role in your endocrine system. Women who suffer from PCOS tend to show Vitamin D deficiency as well. Dietary calcium has also shown to reduce pain intensity during a woman’s period cycle. Add more calcium-rich food to your diet, and if you require a calcium supplement to meet your required daily calcium intake, Live2Move with AlgaeCal is an organic, non-constipating calcium supplement to consider.