Why We Need To Worry About The Hormonal-Ageing Effect On Our Skin
It does not matter how old we are, almost every woman will experience hormonal skin imbalance in our lifetime. Long before menopause, the hormonal changes start to show their work of art on your face. Be it melasma (pigmentation caused by hormonal imbalance), rosacea (a common skin condition accompanying menopause), or just a general loss of volume and elasticity; these are all examples of hormonal ageing. Before we start sighing and accepting that this is part of ‘being a woman’, the effects of hormonal ageing
can actually be controlled.
At what age do we start experiencing hormonal ageing?
Hormonal ageing start in our late 20s, a lot younger than most women realised. And it shows on our skin at different stages.
Late 20s and early 30s
Skin collagen peaks when we are 25 to 27 years old. In our late 20s and early 30s, estrogen levels start to decline gradually, and our epidermis starts losing moisturising hyaluronic acid. Since estrogen levels affect our skin’s production of natural hyaluronic acid, declining estrogen levels mean less moisture. As the purpose of the skin is to act like a barrier, as our skin gets drier, it also starts to get more sensitive. The good news is we can easily replenish hyaluronic acid topically. Sealing in moisture with bSoul Chrono-lift Serum and Chrono-lift
Mask followed by a cream that further moisturises and protects the skin from irritation, such as bSoul Nutri-comfort Cream.
Mid 30s to early 40s
After age 30, we are losing 1 percent of our collagen a year. While peptides and growth factors can help rebuild collagen, elastin is hard to replace. Elastin is essential to elasticity, and our skin becomes looser and less flexible. And, this is when facial creases and wrinkles start to appear around the eyes and nasolabial folds become inevitable. To slow down the visible ageing signs on the skin, a well-planned pre-menopausal skin routine is essential at this stage. Women in their mid-30s can start on bSoul Hydra Age Cream, which contains genistein, a soy-derived extract that stimulates the skin’s synthesis of collagen, restoring
natural elasticity to the skin. One of the best ways to combat fine lines around the eyes is to include bSoul BX Plus, a peptide rich treatment serum with botox-like effect. It is also beneficial to start Incorporating phyto-nutrients targeting at raising hormone levels into our lifestyles. Meditrina Ageless Herbal Cream is specifically formulated to address the effects of hormonal variation throughout a woman’s lifetime with natural, powerful botanical ingredients that will help enhance the quality of our skin and improve skin’s resilience.
Mid 40s to early 60s
At this point in our lives, the influence of hormone decline starts to show dramatically, and besides the loss of elasticity and skin tone, our skin starts to suffer from:
• Melasma and hyperpigmentation that does not seem to go away
• Less moisture in the skin, the skin becomes dry, leathery and even flaky
• Pores become larger and more visible
• Thinning skin, as the skin produces less collagen and the skin becomes more sensitive to pollutants and climate changes
Menopause does not mean we no longer own beautiful skin, it just means we have to adopt a different strategy for addressing our skin concerns. It is even more crucial at this stage to combat hormonal ageing by incorporating a moderate oral intake of phytoestrogens such as soya bean curd and use of natural hormone balancing products such as Meditrina Ageless Herbal Cream, the most popular product of its kind. Topically, use targeted skincare. To address thinning and more sensitive skin, bSoul Chrono-lift Serum, infused with MossCellTec™ helps to protect and repair the skin in environmental stress. Follow that with a moisturiser that mimics the effect of natural estrogen on our skin’s appearance and locks in extra moisture, such as Hydra Age Rich. Bear in mind that by the time we are 40, the epidermis renews itself every 45 instead of 30 days. We have to be patient with our skin improvement.