The menstrual cycle of a woman is so important that it is a marker of overall health agreed by many functional medicine practitioners and traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. Ovulation symptoms are easy to notice, once you know how. Here’s how to find out when you are ovulating and if it has already occurred.
What is a Standard Ovulation Window Like?
A woman’s menstrual cycle is between 28 to 35 days, and it can vary from woman to woman. Hormones, brain health, cellular health, micronutrients and even what that woman is going through during that time. Ovulation can happen between day 11 and day 21 of your cycle, instead of only the ‘middle’ of the cycle on day 14 (Day 1 is the day you get your period.)
How Do You Know When You Are Ovulating?
Cervical Mucus
Monitoring secretions near the cervix, known as cervical mucus, is a really simple way to see when you are approaching ovulation. Your cervical mucus right after your period is almost dry to none, followed by a few days of white and sticky texture. Immediately before and during ovulation, your cervical mucus increases and becomes watery and stretchy, with a raw egg white consistency. This texture helps sperm to swim better into the female reproductive system. This is also the best time to have sex to get pregnant.
Increase Basal Temperature
When you see an increase from your normal body temperature, it means you have ovulated. This method requires constant charting of your basal body temperature (BBT) as your normal body temperature fluctuates day to day, month to month. You can use free apps to get this charting correct.
Pain On One Side of Your Pelvic Area
You may experience light cramping on one side of your lower abdomen when you ovulate. If it happens mid-cycle, you may be experiencing ovulation pain, this is called mittelschmerz. It happens just before you ovulate. Ovulation pain is only temporary. If you suffer from severe ovulation pain, you should contact your doctor right away.
Increased Sex Drive
Your desire for sex tends to go up just before ovulation. However, if you are stressed, anxious or depressed, you may not notice an increase in your sexual desire.
Signs of Irregular Ovulation
If you are not ovulating, it is near to impossible for you to get pregnant. Some obvious signs of irregular ovulation are irregular periods, very short or long menstrual cycles or missing periods for months. While it is still possible for you to get pregnant, you should talk to your doctor about your fertility concerns.
Remedies Available for Irregular Ovulation
Acupuncture can help to induce regular ovulation in 38% of women, some clinical studies show. It also can stimulate blood flow to the ovaries to support egg growth and improve hormonal imbalances.
Chinese herbs can help to regulate and support the flow of Qi and blood of the Liver and Kidney Meridians. Both the Liver and Kidney Meridians flow over the uterus and ovaries, directly impacting the function of your ovaries. It is also important to keep the womb warm. Herbal products like Meditrina QiActiv® Pelvic Care Essential Oil and Meditrina Ageless Herbal Cream can support your pelvic health and hormonal imbalance issues.
Seek Medical Help
If you have been trying to get pregnant and you suspect your ovulation is irregular, you should seek a doctor’s help. Your doctor can check your partner’s and your fertility and determine what your next steps are to increase your chances of successfully conceiving.