Stomach bloatedness is a condition that many women suffer from. You may experience stomach pain and discomfort with a swollen and round tummy at least once in your life. It can occur at any age and can be attributed to several different reasons. Let’s explore the 5 common reasons causing stomach bloatedness and how to stop it.
Symptoms of Stomach Bloating
Stomach bloating is a condition in which the stomach becomes enlarged because of the abnormal accumulation of gas or other fluids. When you suffer from stomach bloating, your abdomen feels swollen and you experience pain in the abdominal area when pressure is applied. You may even feel sick like vomiting, farting and even the need to run to the toilet often.
The 5 Common Causes
1. Blockage of Qi Flow
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the flow of Qi, our body’s vital force, plays an important role in digestion. When the flow of Qi becomes distorted, digestion problems can occur and can lead to the buildup of gas and sewage in our abdomen causing stomach bloatedness. What would cause a poor flow of Qi in your abdomen area? This is usually a result of poor eating habits, such as eating too much raw or cold food, excessive refined sugar, too many grains and junk food that can cause dampness and phlegm to build up. Qi can become obstructed and weaken digestion causing stomach boating to occur. This is probably the number one cause of bloating in the stomach.
2. Digestive Disorders
Digestive disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and stomach inflammation can cause stomach bloating. Although the exact cause of IBS is unknown, it is linked to food sensitivities, food allergies, stress and inheriting a family history of IBS. Keeping a food journal can help you identify and pinpoint the types of food that cause your stomach bloating. Stomach inflammation is commonly linked to chronic stress, consumption of too much alcohol and certain medications that inflame your stomach lining.
3. Dehydration
When you do not drink enough water, eat too much salty food or drink too much alcohol, digestion is hampered by the lack of fluids resulting in stomach bloating, cramps and indigestion. This is because your body will try to prevent excessive loss of water and hold back on digestion.
4. Hormonal Changes
A woman can experience bloating throughout her cycle. This generally occurs during the mid-luteal phase, which is 1 to 2 weeks before your period starts. While this is due to changes in estrogen and progesterone levels, it can be made worse by your diet may be high in sodium and caffeine, and low in fresh fruits and vegetables. Using Meditrina Ageless Herbal Cream, regularly throughout your cycle can help to reduce big fluctuations in hormonal levels and support better digestion and less stomach bloating as a result
5. Excessive Gas and Air
As you would have already known by now guess is the most common cause of bloating after eating. Gas can be built up when food it’s being broken down after you have eaten. Gas can over accumulate in the stomach has difficulty breaking the food down due to insufficient levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. What can cause insufficient hydrochloric acid levels? Overeating, vegetarianism, age and alkalizing diets. If you have good digestive health, you may also have excessive gas when you swallow too much air when you eat or drink. Can swallow morels gas than others if you eat or drink too fast, speak a lot when you are eating, or drink gassy drinks during a meal. This can lead to gas accumulation causing stomach bloating and tummy discomfort.
How to Get Rid of Stomach Bloatedness
Eat Well
Eating nutrient-dense food is one of the best remedies to get rid of stomach bloatedness. Traditional Chinese Medicine’s food therapy utilizes the nutrients in the food, their temperature and characteristics to enable Qi in your stomach to flow properly. Eating out frequently can limit the daily intake of nutrients. Balance this out by preparing your food and eat at home. Consider investing in modern processors and kitchen appliances that can help you prepare healthy food in a shorter time.
Introduce Good Bacteria
With enough good bacteria, it stimulates the gut to improve digestive function, allowing your digestive system to break down food properly. While you can take probiotic supplements, getting them from natural probiotic foods such as kimchi, yoghurt and kombucha are more effective.
Introduce Natural Digestive Aids
If you are constantly having stomach bloatedness, you can consider supplementing with a simple home remedy in the form of apple cider vinegar. Stir a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it 30 minutes before you have your meal. The natural enzymes in apple cider vinegar are effective in improving gut function. A cup of hot tea or two can act as a simple digestive eight especially during oily food.
Proper Chewing Habit
Don’t rush when you are chewing your food. By chewing your food properly, you allow the salivary enzymes to do their job in breaking down the food before you swallow it into your stomach. This helps the stomach to digest the food more efficiently and reduce stomach bloating.
When to See a Doctor
Stomach bloating that occurs frequently and does not go away with natural remedies may be a symptom of a more serious condition. It can be a sign of a blockage in the gallbladder, liver disease, ovarian issues, gluten intolerance or pancreatic problems. Seek professional advice for medical treatment if needed.