Your bones are one of the most important aspects of your overall health. As you reach your late 20s, you would have reached your peak bone mass, which means your bone density will no longer increase. You may continue to lose density as you age and after menopause, you may be at risk for osteoporosis. Let’s look at the ways you can build bone density and have a stronger skeleton
Exercise Smart
Wolff’s Law, states that to build bone you have to shock it. When you add mechanical stress to the bone, tiny fractures are created, and your bone responds by building more bone on top of them. While swimming is good for heart health and muscle tone, does little for your bone health. High impact activities such as weight lifting it’s extremely beneficial to grow your bones. By punishing your skeleton a little bit you can end up strengthening your bones
Avoid Overexercise
Many social media are promoting lean, cover girl fitness inspired bodies. Yet these are not images of a healthy person. Overexercising can develop a condition called amenorrhea, which is an exercise-induced menopause. Amenorrhea can cause the woman to stop menstruating and estrogen levels dip too much. With low estrogen levels, bone loss can accelerate just like in menopausal women.
Improve On Your Calcium Intake
Calcium is the primary nutrition for healthy bones. Your bones break down and grow each day, therefore you must get enough calcium to your diet. The best way to get enough calcium into your body is to consume small amounts throughout the day. Add foods such as cheese, yoghurt, dark green leafy vegetables, sardines and milk to your diet. If your lifestyle prevents you from having enough calcium-rich food in your diet, you can support your bone health with calcium supplements. Live2Move with AlgaeCal, an organic, seaweed-sourced calcium, provides a wide spectrum of trace minerals and calcium to support healthy bones. Because it is made from real food, it is much more bioavailable than most other forms of calcium.
Reduce Intake Of Soft Drinks
Some studies have reported an association between caffeine and lower bone mass density. This may be because soft drinks, which often contain caffeine, may reduce the absorption of calcium in your body.
Watch Your Weight
Healthy weight is essential for bone density. Overweight can cause additional stress to the bones. While being underweight is bad for the bones as well. You should avoid rapid weight loss because losing weight can cause you to lose bone density in the process, but your bone density is not restored when you gain back the weight. The loss in bone mass density can lead to weaker bones. If you are undergoing a weight loss program, speak to your trainer and nutritionist on how you can lose weight healthily while maintaining a healthy skeleton
Add Vitamin D
Vitamin D helps your body to absorb calcium. If you have vitamin D deficiency you have a higher risk of losing bone mass. Moderate sun exposure can give you sufficient vitamin D. make sure you expose yourself to the sun when the UV rays are not as intense, such as before 9 in the morning. Vitamin K – 2 is also beneficial to healthy bones, it reduces calcium loss and helps key minerals to bind to the bones. Cheese and natto, are good sources of vitamin K – 2.