Minerals in Live2Move with AlgaeCal That Support Immune Function
The focus on our immune system and the importance of health have taken the spotlight in recent months. Your immune system is your body’s very own defence. While a healthy lifestyle can help build up your immune system, specific vitamins and minerals are essential in getting our immune system firing in the right way.
We are glad to share with you that nine of these key nutrients are found in Live2Move with AlgaeCal. Let’s run through the immune system functions of 5 of these nutrients, how much you need to get and their dietary sources.
Calcium is most commonly brought up in relation to bone health. Yet, research supports its crucial role in your immune function. Calcium influences the immune system’s response by acting as a messenger for your immune system and an initial trigger for your body’s healing process. As the research on calcium and its role in the immune system is on-going, researchers keep discovering new functions for calcium, including a study that identifies calcium’s role in regulating immune cells!
How much calcium should you be getting?
The recommended dietary allowances (RDA) for adults 51 years of age and older is 1,200 mg for women and 1,000 mg for men. For adults between the ages of 19 and 50, the RDA is 1,000 mg.
Live2Move with AlageCal provides 720 mg of calcium a day. This takes into account the intake of calcium we obtain from food, which averages between 400 to 500 mg of calcium a day. So 720 mg is an ideal dose.
Traditional calcium supplements often come as 1,000 or 1,200 mg of calcium on its own (or with vitamin D). This can lead to excessive intake since your food sources provide calcium as well. The calcium in Live2Move with AlgaeCal Plus is plant-sourced and comes from a unique strain of marine algae called Lithothamnion superpositum.
Good dietary sources of calcium:
Yogurt (plain), 8 oz / 415 mg
Mozzarella, 1.5 oz / 333 mg
Sardines (canned with bones), 3 oz / 325 mg
Salmon (canned with bones), 3 oz / 181 mg
A group of enzymes called the “cuproenzymes”, are known for their antioxidant capabilities. Copper belongs to this group of “cuproenzymes”. When a person is deficient in copper, it leads to a condition where you have an abnormally low number of neutrophils, which are white blood cells that help combat bacteria. While the exact role copper plays in the immune system is unclear, it is well-accepted that it plays a role. It is interesting to note that copper is only needed by your body in a small amount.
How much copper should you be getting?
The RDA is 900 mcg for adults 19 years and older and the tolerable upper limit for adults is at 10,000 mcg a day. In Live2Move with AlgaeCal, you will be getting 2 mcg of copper a day, a healthy complement to your dietary intake of copper.
Good dietary sources:
Oysters (cooked), 3 oz / 4850 mcg
Potatoes (cooked), 1 medium / 675 mcg
Mushrooms (cooked), ½ cup / 72 mcg
Boron plays an important role in regulating the inflammatory response of your body. In everyday terms, it means it helps calm down enzymes that fan the flames of inflammation.
While more studies are required for boron’s role in the healing process, early research shows boron indirectly supports collagen production in the body’s connective tissue.
How much boron should you be getting?
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that an “acceptable safe range” for adults is 1-13 mg a day, and a tolerable upper intake level (UL) set at 20 mg a day for adults 19 years and over. Live2Move with AlageCal provides a dose of 3 mg a day.
Good dietary sources:
Prune juice, 1 cup / 1.43 mg
Avocado (raw), ½ cup / 1.07 mg
Raisins, 1.5 oz / 0.95 mg
Peaches, 1 medium / 0.80 mg
Apples, 1 medium / 0.66 mg
Magnesium is one of the most minerals for your body. Besides involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions, it plays an important role in a strong immune system too.
Studies have shown healthy levels of magnesium protect your body against the inflammatory actions of your inbuilt immune system. Magnesium’s anti-inflammatory effect is also helpful in relieving asthma symptoms. asthma. a condition that involves immune responses. In older adults, a deficiency is linked to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and immune dysfunction.
How much magnesium should you be getting?
How much magnesium do you need? The RDA for adults 31 and older is 320 mg for women and 420 mg for men. A daily serving of Live2Move with AlgaeCal provides you with 350 mg a day!
Good dietary sources:
Almonds (roasted), 1 oz / 80 mg
Spinach (boiled), ½ cup / 78 mg
Cashews (roasted), 1 oz / 74 mg
Black beans (cooked), ½ cup / 60 mg
Edamame (cooked), ½ cup / 50 mg
Zinc is one of the most talked about immunity-boosting mineral these days. Zinc influences your immune system in three ways. First, zinc supports the growth and development of immune cells. Second, zinc plays an important role in the production of antibodies. And third, zinc protects your immune cells from oxidative damage created during your body’s natural immune response.
Zinc is so important that a deficiency has a big impact on your immunity. As blood levels of zinc decline with age, it is extremely important for adults 60 and older to get plenty of zinc
How much zinc should you be getting?
The RDA is set at 11 mg for men aged 19 and older, and 8 mg for women aged 19 and older. the tolerable upper intake for adults is 40 mg. Live2Move with AlgaeCal contains 24.1 mcg in a daily serving.
Good dietary sources:
Oysters (cooked), 3 oz / 74 mg
Crab (cooked), 3 oz / 6.5 mg
Lobster (cooked), 3 oz / 3.4 mg
Pork chop (cooked), 3 oz / 2.9 mg